Sunday, March 6, 2011

This is my life, my story!

I truly apologize fans; I have been M.I.A. from the world. I was recently in court dealing with huge emotional issues. No I was not behind bars or anything like that; I was just dealing with past issues. To begin to tell you the truth we would have to go back to the beginning. I truly pray this helps someone whose voice was once stolen from them like mine once was.
As most of you know I was raised by my grandparents. They are my true parents. However, as a child I would spend summers with my older sister’s house (biological mother). Well this one particular year she was dating a man who we will call John. John knew, unlike me, that my older sister was my mother, and for the fortunate life I had, from being raised by my grandparents, his jealousy of me was potent.
While Jealousy fueled his anger, my sister’s love made her blind to the obvious hatred. During her midnight shifts at a local Super Target Store, I became the child prostitute. Being pimped, touched, degraded, and molested by not only John, but his friends also. Silent tears and muffled whimpers were all I could do as I was tied to bedpost and muzzled but the bandannas he used to keep me from waking his other children.
In an act of desperation, I told the one person who could stop this horrible nightmare, my sister. When asked about it, John lied and that night I was force into the oven. Although he tried, it never came on, but the smell of gasoline still haunts me today. For two months and three days I endured this abuse until I made a call to a man I still to this day call my day. And although I spoke no words, my message was very clear, and in 30 minutes I was staring in his face.
He was later convicted along with three other men. However, the mastermind behind the entire operation had other plans and with my sister’s help they were seen on the world’s stage. After only two years of incarceration, he was released. He married my mom, and all charges were dropped. Now forced to live with the memories every day; my lawyers called me to tell me that the other three men when up for probation.
I was 14 when it happened, and I still get afraid. I am still dealing with the pain and damage it has caused me. This is my life, my story!


infernape said...

Dear Cuban,
Let me be the first to say that I am deeply sorry that such a disgraceful event took place. However I want to say that you are strong and that takes courage. That is what a real man does. Own up to his issues and you taking action on that part made you one of the strongest men I have ever seen and this makes me very PROUD of you. You always have someone out there that will love you and care for you, and as long as you keep your faith in God, like you have been doing. It will continue to get better


sannincrazy said...

I hope your pain does ease eventually. I hope that they do not get out, you don't knw me but I read your story and I cired....stay strong man!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Too often we hear these stories with females and we get the impression that it cannot happen to men. Well you are an obvious example that this can happen to men and the traumatic affect it can have on some one. It deeply saddens me that you had to endure this, and you are still dealing with this. I'm sure their incarceration will never be long enough to combat your life long of fear and trauma.

I wish you the best and I hope your story will help someone else get help. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Stay strong. My heart goes out to you along with my tears. I hurt for you. I hope you find the love you so deserve and need.

Anonymous said...

When will you bottom that would be sexy you and ace rockwood should flip flop

Unknown said...

Wow Cuban,

I already had respect for you for how just a chilled man you are to chat with now reading yoyur story makes me see how a strong god fearing man you are......I feel very sorry those horrible things happen to you but Karma is the truth and I feel eventhough that happen to you at such a young age justice will be served........I pray for you your family that all turns out in your favor......

Alex B Saggn said...

I'm not sure if anything I say would make you feel better.
I know pain... not many people don't know what pain feels like. but to each of us it's personal and hurts different.
Sometimes all you can do is survive my lil manz. and that can be the hardest part.
You have support.. tell them what you need. and if they don't come through for you... I'll be there... maybe for just a word or to listen. either way. keep ya chinn up son.. be a warrior.

RichmondBlkDad said...

Hey Cuban, Thanks for sharing the hurt with us. But don't let him and the others have the victory over you. You are a fine, smart and intelligent young man and YOU CAN MAKE it without having to worry about the past. Guess what ... everyone have a past, in some way or another and I am not trying to lessen yours, just know you can rise up out of yours. I've seen your videos and you are very very sexy. so keep it up! Love to chat more with you seriously.... Free counseling from me... hit me up I'm in Philadelphia if you ever get this way.

ChanelTheGoddess said...

You are in my prayers and you are so brave for sharing your story

Unknown said...

My brother. Firstly, let me just say that the courage it takes to speak on things like this from your past is tremendous. I commend you for being man enough to share because you never know how else might benefit from you telling your story.

I cannot say that I have been through that same situation, but I know that I and many other brothers go through things in our lives that are just as traumatic to us. The important thing is that none of us ever give up. That's what those who hate us or wish to see us fail would love to happen. But we must never give them that satisfaction.

I encourage you to keep doing what you're doing and bringing yourself happiness, success and acceptance. You've got many talents, writing to name just one of many, that will allow you to continue bringing your life' story to many, and helping them all at the same time.

Again, your words have definitely painted you in a new light for me. Not one that brings pity or sympathy, but one that shows me how strong and resilient you truly are.

Cody said...

Wow. Man, you had me in tears reading that. It is sad what some human beings will do to another. That was touching, and to open up like that I know was hard. Mad respect to you bra...Mad respect.

rw622 said...


It's ironic that I read your life story on Mother's Day. No words can express the horror and helplessness that you endured at the hands of sick perverted individuals. Emotions must run raw when you recall events that occurred and I hope that you have received counseling. It says much about the criminal justice system that such crimes can be committed against minors and the perpetrators receive such little punishment. I don't know if your relationship with your mother has improved but just keep faith. You have matured into a successful, intelligent young man, who is an inspiration to others who have endured pain. Continue to grow and prosper.

Anonymous said...

this is the sichological reason you are a bisexual.