Saturday, May 21, 2011

I Apologize America!

To all my fellow Americans, I apologize.
I’ve caused more pain than I have realized.
I have been driven by my greed
And cause agony with every deed.
Some call it politics others say I cheated,
But with the first election I left America heated
And the “No Child Left Behind”
Was all a part of a bigger crime.
I’ve had to beg, barrow, and steal
To make it to Capitol Hill.
And now that I am here
The whole world has me to fear.

So to all my fellow Americans, I apologize.
I’ve caused more pain than I have realized.
I have been driven by my greed
And cause agony with every deed.
You see I take my nickname proudly
And yes I say it loudly
Yes I’m the next Adolf Hitler
A.K.A. your new age trickster.
Well, see I lied about the weapons of mass destruction
To put on my Broadway Production
And you can’t tell me it wasn’t brilliant
Because with me, it brought in trillions!

Yes to all my fellow Americans, I apologize.
I’ve caused more pain than I have realized.
I have been driven by my greed
And cause agony with every deed.
And as my presidency slowly fades
I hear that history has been made.
And why I dare not to mention his name,
I can’t help but think that I’m the one to blame.
So thank you for this adrenaline rush.
You 43rd president,George W. Bush

*Written by Yours truly*

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